The beauty of East Asian medicine is that there are an array of different tools to draw from. Many people benefit from receiving acupuncture in conjunction with guasha or cupping and heat therapy during a single visit. In our office you will receive careful, individualized attention and a gentle, effective treatment plan that is personally tailored for your body and your life.
Insertion of very fine, sterile and single-use needles placed in specific acupuncture points to assist in balancing meridian systems and bio-mechanical blocks.
Artemsia vulgaris dried and ground herb is used to warm acupuncture points and accelerate the healing process.
Gentle scrapping or rubbing of the skin with a smooth tool to facilitate the circulation of blood to the surface of the skin and manipulate the fascial tissue layer.
Glass or plastic cups create suction on the skin to increase blood circulation, energy circulation, and facilitate detoxification of tissues.
Based upon a traditional Chinese Medicine evaluation and diagnosis, an herbal formula (both Classical and modern) are matched to the presenting pattern to address the patient's underlying root cause leading to disease. By correcting the root cause, symptoms are relieved, and health and vitality are restored.
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